The AMELIA Code Remind students of all the attitudes necessary to "EXPLORE ALL POTENTIAL" Making the most of every opportunity to learn, progress and reach their full potential: These attitudes of AMELIAS students help them to become individuals happy and independent, with healthy and well-equipped minds to become global citizens.
We assume responsibility for ourselves and others, sharing information and resources to achieve stretching goals. We are active communicators, involving members of our team in decision making. In this supportive environment, we are trained to take risks and make decisions.
We care about what we do, and show our dedication to others. We are committed to our work and seek to inspire and encourage others in a positive and constructive way.
Our principles and standards are high, and they are important to us. We hope that goodness and good manners are universal, recognizing the value and diversity of others and through this quest to improve and grow ourselves.
When we commit, we are committed in the long term. Our approach, attitude, systems and processes support all this. In the spirit of serving others, we have the will to succeed and will remain flexible.
Our approach is entrepreneurial. We take the initiative, seizing opportunities, solving problems and embracing new ideas.
We strive to develop by learning from our experience. We seek and are open to feedback, applying our learning to improve and achieve our goals.